International Master in Planetary Sciences: 2 Curricula Options

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The Engineering and Geology (InGeo) department at the Università d’Annunzio (UdA) provides students with 2 curricula options to pursue an International  Master (Laurea Magistrale) degree in Planetary Sciences:

  1. Planetary Sciences & Space Exploration: This curriculum option provides a 2-year course of study at the Università d'Annunzio. Students can access instruction in-person or online for the 1st and 3rd semester. The 2nd  semester requires in-person learning. The final semester will focus on the thesis. An internship will be conducted in the final year. The course curriculum is in English.
  2. GeoPlaNet Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Planetary Geosciences: This curriculum option provides a 2-year integrated course of study delivered by 3 universities under the auspices of the GeoPlaNet Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (GeoPlaNet EMJM) program: Università d'Annunzio (UdA), Italy, Nantes Université (NU), France, and University of Coimbra (UC), Portugal. The final semester will focus on the thesis and an internship. Students receive instruction in-person at each university for 1 semester. The course curriculum is in English. At the end of the course, students will receive a joint degree from UdA, NU and UC.

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