• Edizioni di altri A.A.:
  • 2015/2016
  • 2016/2017
  • 2017/2018
  • 2018/2019
  • 2019/2020
  • 2020/2021
  • 2021/2022
  • 2022/2023
  • 2023/2024
  • 2024/2025
  • 2025/2026

  • Language:
  • Textbooks:

    Daft, R.L. Organizzazione Aziendale, Apogeo (sixth edition); Case-studies distributed during lectures.
  • Learning objectives:
    The course is part of the objectives of the three-year Degree Course in Business Administration by offering students the cognitive bases related to the main organizational theories and to the practical tools of organizational design.
    At the end of the course the student's training will be enriched by the following skills:
    Knowledge and understanding:
    - know the main approaches to the design of organizations;
    - understand the ways in which work is organized and the principles of operation;
    - identify the main processes and plan organizational analysis interventions;
    Autonomy of judgment:
    - elaborate in a systemic way complex and / or fragmented information and arrive at organizational design solutions consistent with the reference context;
    Communication skills:
    - Communicate clearly, logically and effectively using the methodological tools acquired and the language of the organization analyst. 
  • Prerequisite:

  • Teaching methods:
    The course consists of 72 hours of frontal teaching, including case studies, exercises and group work. Attendance is optional but recommended. 
  • Exam type:
    The exam includes the passing of a written test and an interview aimed at verifying the learning level of the training objectives mentioned above. Only those who qualify for the written test can access the interview. The written test consists in the resolution of a business case (score from 0 to 10) and in the answer to open questions and / or check marks on the theory part (score from 0 to 20). The written test is considered passed with a minimum score of 18/30. The examination must include the study of the textbook and the contents of the work done in the classroom (in-depth study of the case studies and discussions proposed by the teacher). 
  • Sostenibilità:
    The course deals with issues related to the theme of sustainability, especially in its social and economic meanings. Specifically, the thematic contents are related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 230 No. 4 "Quality education" and 9 "Businesses, innovation and infrastructure". 
  • Further information:
    The student reception in attendance takes place on Wednesdays from 11 to 13 at the teacher's office. To receive students remotely (Skype, Teams), it is necessary to book by sending an email to fausto.divincenzo@unich.it 

The course aims to provide students with cognitive elements on the role that the discipline of the organization has in studies on social action and on the company in particular. The main themes of the company organization will be treated: i) the main organizational structures and the methods of operation of the organizations in the various sectors (public, private, industrial and services); ii) the evolution of organizational theories and their role in organizational planning; iii) organizational intervention and change management tools. Through the adoption of the case technique the course aims to provide students with some initial operational elements for intervention in organizations and for the implementation of changes in the macro and micro structural structures.

Module 1 - Organizations and Organizational Design
Module 2 - Strategy, organizational design and effectiveness
Module 3 - Fundamental elements of the organizational structure
Module 4 - The external environment
Module 5 - Inter-organizational relations
Module 6 - Organizational design for the international environment
Module 7 - Technologies for Manufacturing and Services
Module 8 - Control Technologies, Social Business and Big Data
Module 9 - Organizational dimensions, life cycle and decline
Module 10 - Organizational culture and ethical values
Module 11 - Innovation and Change
Module 12 - Decision Making Processes
Module 13 - Conflict, Power, and Politics.


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